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stopping by!

Work with me :)
I’m open to collaborations that involve graphic work, illustration, data visualisation and other forms of creative work.
My primary magnets are sustainability, environmental issues, cities, communities, social justice, and contemporary culture(s).
On a broader scope, I love interesting people and interesting stories.
Oh! and food.
I usually choose my clients and commissions based on their relatability to the themes I feel most strongly connected to. But I’m happy to be surprised by any project that flicks my curiosity switches.
My rates are fair and competitive.
They are based on the size, complexity and clarity of your brief, the aim and depth of your project, the expected turnaround time and of course, your budget.
When requesting a quote, the more information you share the better. But before sending me the details of your project, I recommend getting in touch so we can discuss your vision and see if we are ready to start working together.
Say Hi!

Thank you!